Interface ComponentInstantiatorSource

    • Method Detail

      • getInstantiator

        Instantiator getInstantiator​(String classname)
        Given the name of a component class, provides an instantiator for that component. Instantiators are cached, so repeated calls to this method with the same class name will return the same instance; however, callers should also be aware that the instantiators may lose validity after an invalidation (caused by changes to external Java class files).
        classname - FQCN to find (and perhaps transform and load)
        an object which can instantiate an instance of the component
      • exists

        boolean exists​(String className)
        Checks to see if a fully qualified class name exists. This method appears to exist only for testing.
        className - name of class to check
        true if the class exists (there's a ".class" file), false otherwise
      • getProxyFactory

        PlasticProxyFactory getProxyFactory()
        Returns a proxy factory that can be used to generate additional classes around enhanced classes, or create subclasses of enhanced classes.
      • forceComponentInvalidation

        void forceComponentInvalidation()
        Forces invalidation logic, as if a component class on the disk had changed, forcing a reload of all pages and components.