Interface ZippedFlow<A,​B>

    • Method Detail

      • mapTuples

        <X,​Y> ZippedFlow<X,​Y> mapTuples​(Mapper<Tuple<A,​B>,​Tuple<X,​Y>> mapper)
        Mapping for zipped flows; a mapper is used to map tuples of this zipped flow into new tuples with a new type, forming the resulting zipped flow. This is a lazy operation.
      • unzip

        Tuple<Flow<A>,​Flow<B>> unzip()
        A ZippedFlow is a Flow of Tuples; this inverts that, splitting each Tuple into a Flow of elements, then assembling the result as a Tuple of two values. This is a lazy operation.
        two flows of unzipped Tuples
      • firsts

        Returns a flow of the first values of the tuples of the zipped flow. This is a lazy operation.
      • seconds

        Returns a flow of the second values of the tuples of the zipped flow. This is a lazy operation.
      • filterOnFirst

        ZippedFlow<A,​BfilterOnFirst​(Predicate<? super A> predicate)
        Filters the tuples in the zipped flow by applying a predicate to the first value in each tuple. This is a lazy operation.
      • filterOnSecond

        ZippedFlow<A,​BfilterOnSecond​(Predicate<? super B> predicate)
        Filters the tuples in the zipped flow by applying a predicate to the second value in each tuple. This is a lazy operations.
      • removeOnFirst

        ZippedFlow<A,​BremoveOnFirst​(Predicate<? super A> predicate)
        Removes tuples from the zipped flow by applying a predicate to the first value in each tuple. This is a lazy operation.
      • removeOnSecond

        ZippedFlow<A,​BremoveOnSecond​(Predicate<? super B> predicate)
        Removes tuples from the zipped flow by applying a predicate to the second value in each tuple. This is a lazy operations.
      • toMap

        Constructs a HashMap by converting the tuples of the zipped flow into keys (first tuple value) and values (second tuple value).