private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- - if there are I/O errors while reading from the input stremClassNotFoundException
- - if class could not be foundprivate void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException
- - if there are I/O errors while writing to the output stremdouble m00
double m10
double m01
double m11
double m02
double m12
double width
double height
double x
double y
double x
double y
double width
double height
int id
boolean numberSet
byte[] colorProfile
int alignment
float indentationLeft
float indentationRight
float firstLineIndent
float spacingBefore
float spacingAfter
float extraParagraphSpace
boolean keeptogether
float paddingTop
PdfName role
HashMap<K,V> accessibleAttributes
AccessibleElementId id
float leading
float multipliedLeading
Font font
HyphenationEvent hyphenation
TabSettings tabSettings
Paragraph title
String bookmarkTitle
int numberDepth
int numberStyle
float indentationLeft
float indentationRight
float indentation
boolean bookmarkOpen
boolean triggerNewPage
int subsections
ArrayList<E> numbers
boolean complete
boolean addedCompletely
boolean notAddedYet
Throwable cause
Throwable cause
PdfWriter writer
HashSet<E> fieldTemplates
PdfArray documentFields
PdfArray calculationOrder
int sigFlags
PdfWriter writer
PdfIndirectReference reference
HashSet<E> templates
boolean form
boolean annotation
boolean used
int placeInPage
PdfName role
HashMap<K,V> accessibleAttributes
AccessibleElementId id
boolean value
float dash
float gap
float phase
boolean status
PdfName dictionaryType
LinkedHashMap<K,V> hashMap
PdfWriter writer
PdfIndirectReference ref
PdfFormField parent
ArrayList<E> kids
int number
int generation
PdfIndirectReference ref
ArrayList<E> children
PdfLayer parent
String title
boolean on
boolean onPanel
PdfIndirectReference ref
PdfArray members
HashSet<E> layers
long position
int hash
double value
, represented as a
byte[] bytes
int type
PRIndirectReference indRef
PdfIndirectReference reference
of this objectint count
PdfOutline parent
PdfDestination destination
PdfAction action
for this outline.ArrayList<E> kids
PdfWriter writer
String tag
boolean open
BaseColor color
int style
PdfRectangle mediaBox
float llx
float lly
float urx
float ury
PdfShading shading
PdfWriter writer
float[] matrix
PdfName patternName
PdfIndirectReference patternReference
boolean compressed
int compressionLevel
ByteArrayOutputStream streamBytes
InputStream inputStream
PdfIndirectReference ref
int inputStreamLength
PdfWriter writer
int rawLength
AccessibleElementId elementId
PdfIndirectReference reference
PdfName structureType
long offset
PdfReader reader
PdfReader reader
long offset
int length
int objNum
int objGen
boolean isBigEndian
int numEntries
TIFFField[] fields
Hashtable<K,V> fieldIndex
long IFDOffset
long nextIFDOffset
int tag
int type
int count
Object data
int fieldType
previously)PdfCollectionSchema schema
int blockSize
byte[] array
int n
int blockSize
char[] array
int n
ByteVector vspace
HashMap<K,V> stoplist
TernaryTree classmap
char[] lo
char[] hi
char[] eq
char[] sc
The character stored in this node: splitchar. Two special values are reserved:
This shouldn't be a problem if we give the usual semantics to strings since 0xFFFF is guaranteed not to be an Unicode character.
CharVector kv
char root
char freenode
int length
String type
String xmlns
int errorCode
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