Interface | Description |
DocListener |
A class that implements
DocListener will perform some
actions when some actions are performed on a Document . |
Element |
Interface for a text element.
ElementListener |
A class that implements
ElementListener will perform some
actions when an Element is added. |
FontProvider |
These two methods are used by FactoryProperties (for HTMLWorker).
LargeElement |
Interface implemented by Element objects that can potentially consume
a lot of memory.
SplitCharacter |
Interface for customizing the split character.
TextElementArray |
Interface for a text element to which other objects can be added.
Class | Description |
AccessibleElementId | |
Anchor |
Anchor can be a reference or a destination of a reference. |
Annotation |
Annotation is a little note that can be added to a page on
a document. |
BaseColor | |
Chapter |
Chapter is a special Section . |
ChapterAutoNumber |
Chapter with auto numbering.
Chunk |
This is the smallest significant part of text that can be added to a
Document |
A generic Document class.
DocWriter |
An abstract
Writer class for documents. |
Font |
Contains all the specifications of a font: fontfamily, size, style and color.
FontFactory |
If you are using True Type fonts, you can declare the paths of the different ttf- and ttc-files
to this static class first and then create fonts in your code using one of the static getFont-method
without having to enter a path as parameter.
FontFactoryImp |
If you are using True Type fonts, you can declare the paths of the different ttf- and ttc-files
to this class first and then create fonts in your code using one of the getFont method
without having to enter a path as parameter.
GreekList |
A special-version of
LIST which use greek-letters. |
Header |
This is an
Element that contains
some user defined meta information about the document. |
Image |
Image is the representation of a graphic element (JPEG, PNG
or GIF) that has to be inserted into the document |
CCITT Image data that has to be inserted into the document
ImgJBIG2 |
Support for JBIG2 images.
ImgRaw |
Raw Image data that has to be inserted into the document
ImgTemplate |
PdfTemplate that has to be inserted into the document
ImgWMF |
ImgWMF is the representation of a windows metafile
that has to be inserted into the document |
Jpeg |
Jpeg is the representation of a graphic element (JPEG)
that has to be inserted into the document |
Jpeg2000 |
Jpeg2000 is the representation of a graphic element (JPEG)
that has to be inserted into the document |
Jpeg2000.ColorSpecBox | |
List |
List contains several ListItem s. |
ListBody | |
ListItem |
ListItem is a Paragraph
that can be added to a List . |
ListLabel | |
MarkedObject | Deprecated
since 5.5.9.
MarkedSection | Deprecated
since 5.5.9.
Meta |
This is an
Element that contains
some meta information about the document. |
PageSize |
PageSize -object contains a number of rectangles representing the most common paper sizes. |
Paragraph |
Paragraph is a series of Chunk s and/or Phrases . |
Phrase |
Phrase is a series of Chunk s. |
Rectangle |
Rectangle is the representation of a geometric figure. |
RectangleReadOnly |
RectangleReadOnly is the representation of a geometric figure. |
RomanList |
A special-version of
LIST which use roman-letters. |
Section |
Section is a part of a Document containing
other Section s, Paragraph s, List
and/or Table s. |
SpecialSymbol |
This class contains the symbols that correspond with special symbols.
TabSettings | |
TabSplitCharacter | |
TabStop | |
Utilities |
A collection of convenience methods that were present in many different iText
Version |
This class contains version information about iText.
WritableDirectElement |
An element that is not an element, it holds
as Element type. |
ZapfDingbatsList |
A special-version of
LIST which use zapfdingbats-letters. |
ZapfDingbatsNumberList |
A special-version of
LIST which use zapfdingbats-numbers (1..10). |
Enum | Description |
Font.FontFamily |
Enum describing the font family
Font.FontStyle |
TabStop.Alignment |
Exception | Description |
BadElementException |
Signals an attempt to create an
Element that hasn't got the right form. |
DocumentException |
Signals that an error has occurred in a
Document . |
ExceptionConverter |
The ExceptionConverter changes a checked exception into an
unchecked exception.
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