public class PdfPrinterGraphics2D extends PdfGraphics2D implements PrinterGraphics
AFM_DIVISOR, background, baseFont, baseFonts, cb, clip, currentFillGState, currentStrokeGState, disposeCalled, fillGState, font, fontMapper, fontSize, height, originalStroke, paint, rhints, strikethrough, stroke, strokeGState, transform, underline, width
Constructor and Description |
PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb,
float width,
float height,
boolean onlyShapes,
PrinterJob printerJob) |
PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb,
float width,
float height,
FontMapper fontMapper,
boolean onlyShapes,
boolean convertImagesToJPEG,
float quality,
PrinterJob printerJob) |
PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb,
float width,
float height,
FontMapper fontMapper,
PrinterJob printerJob) |
PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb,
float width,
float height,
PrinterJob printerJob) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PrinterJob |
getPrinterJob() |
addRenderingHints, asPoints, clearRect, clip, clipRect, copyArea, create, dispose, doAttributes, draw, drawArc, drawGlyphVector, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawLine, drawOval, drawPolygon, drawPolyline, drawRect, drawRenderableImage, drawRenderedImage, drawRoundRect, drawString, drawString, drawString, drawString, fill, fillArc, fillOval, fillPolygon, fillRect, fillRoundRect, getBackground, getClip, getClipBounds, getColor, getComposite, getContent, getDeviceConfiguration, getFont, getFontMetrics, getFontRenderContext, getPaint, getRenderingHint, getRenderingHints, getStroke, getTransform, hit, normalizeMatrix, prepareColor, rotate, rotate, scale, setBackground, setClip, setClip, setColor, setComposite, setFont, setPaint, setPaintMode, setRenderingHint, setRenderingHints, setStroke, setTransform, setXORMode, shear, transform, translate, translate
draw3DRect, fill3DRect
create, drawBytes, drawChars, drawPolygon, fillPolygon, finalize, getClipBounds, getClipRect, getFontMetrics, hitClip, toString
public PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb, float width, float height, PrinterJob printerJob)
public PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb, float width, float height, boolean onlyShapes, PrinterJob printerJob)
public PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb, float width, float height, FontMapper fontMapper, PrinterJob printerJob)
public PdfPrinterGraphics2D(PdfContentByte cb, float width, float height, FontMapper fontMapper, boolean onlyShapes, boolean convertImagesToJPEG, float quality, PrinterJob printerJob)
public PrinterJob getPrinterJob()
in interface PrinterGraphics
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