Class AssetConstants

  • public class AssetConstants
    extends Object
    Defines constants for the two basic asset prefixes.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String CLASSPATH
      For assets that are stored in the classpath (i.e., inside 3rd party component library JARs).
      static String CONTEXT
      For assets that are stored in the web application context.
      static String FTP
      For assets that are external (stored in another service) and stored in a publicly available FTP server (ftp://...)
      static String HTTP
      For assets that are external (stored in another service) and have a non-secure URL (http://...)
      static String HTTPS
      For assets that are external (stored in another service) and have a secure URL (https://...)
      static String PROTOCOL_RELATIVE
      For assets that are external (stored in another service) and have a protocol-relative URL (//...)
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description