Interface HikariPoolMXBean

  • public interface HikariPoolMXBean
    The MBean for a Hikari pool instance.
    Brett Wooldridge
    • Method Detail

      • getIdleConnections

        int getIdleConnections()
        Get the number of currently idle connections in the pool.

        The return value is extremely transient and is a point-in-time measurement. Therefore, due to a time difference between invoking this method and getActiveConnections(), it is possible for the sum of idle plus active connections to be either less than or greater than the value returned by getTotalConnections().

        the current number of idle connections in the pool
      • getActiveConnections

        int getActiveConnections()
        Get the number of currently active connections in the pool.

        The return value is extremely transient and is a point-in-time measurement. Therefore, due to a time difference between invoking this method and getIdleConnections(), it is possible for the sum of idle plus active connections to be either less than or greater than the value returned by getTotalConnections().

        the current number of active (in-use) connections in the pool
      • getTotalConnections

        int getTotalConnections()
        Get the total number of connections currently in the pool. The return value is transient and is a point-in-time measurement.
        the total number of connections in the pool
      • getThreadsAwaitingConnection

        int getThreadsAwaitingConnection()
        Get the number of threads awaiting connections from the pool. The return value is extremely transient and is a point-in-time measurement.
        the number of threads awaiting a connection from the pool
      • softEvictConnections

        void softEvictConnections()
        Evict currently idle connections from the pool, and mark active (in-use) connections for eviction when they are returned to the pool.
      • suspendPool

        void suspendPool()
        Suspend the pool. When the pool is suspended, threads calling DataSource.getConnection() will be blocked with no timeout until the pool is resumed via the resumePool() method.
        This method has no effect unless the HikariConfig.setAllowPoolSuspension(boolean) method or equivalent property has been set to true.
      • resumePool

        void resumePool()
        Resume the pool. Enables connection borrowing to resume on a pool that has been suspended via the suspendPool() method.
        This method has no effect unless the HikariConfig.setAllowPoolSuspension(boolean) method or equivalent property has been set to true.